Richmond Index Notes --M
Motacilla Note
- This card is an example of many which clearly were cut from some printed
work and pasted on the index card.
The source of this printed work is a bit of mystery, but Steven Gregory
(in litt. 2007.12.23) provides the most helpful observation regarding
the possibilities.
- This card has an opening square bracket "[" before the name. This opening
bracket is unmatched by a closing bracket. This conifiguration
[ Motacilla
is seen in the genus entry in the
AOU CL 3rd ed. p.327.
- The two images are not, however, identical. The version printed in the
AOU CL has a wider space between the genus line and the citation line. Many
of these printed cards show the oblong block-like dark mark seen in the upper
left corner, the significance of which is unknown to me.
Comments&Suggestions to Data
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2007.12.23